Published April 1975
...Aerospace report : impact on the Alaska economy of alternative gas pipelines...
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Published February 1981
...Socio-economc and environmental terms and conditions for the Swift River portion of the pipeline...
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Published October 31, 2012
...Codification, modalities socio-economiques et ecologiques regissant le pipe-line du Nord en Alberta...

Report Number(s): SI/80-127 Order no. NP-MO-1-80

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Published October 31, 2012
...Codification, modalities socio-economiques et ecologiques regissant le pipe-line en Saskatchewan...

Report Number(s): SI/81-23

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Published October 31, 2012
...Codification, modalities socio-economiques et ecologiques regissant le pipe-line du Nord dans le...

Report Number(s): SI/80-128

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Published October 31, 2012
...Codification, modalities socio-economiques et ecologiques regissant le pipe-line du Nord dans le...

Report Number(s): SI/81-22

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Published October 31, 2012
...Codification, modalities socio-economiques et ecologiques regissant le troncon du pipe-line du Nord...

Report Number(s): SI/81-21

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Published July 1980
...Northern Pipeline socio-economc and environmental terms and conditions for the Swift River portion...
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by White, Bill
Published February 2013
Contents: '; ...While China's economy has boomed in recent decades, and while Russia has vast gas supplies...
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by Van Hyning, Jack M.
Published August 1977
Contents: '; .... Population and economy. The Fortymile River. Fish. Wildlife -- Log of the Taylor Highway -- Summary...
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Published December 2011
Contents: '; ... of the Alaska economy -- Appendix 5D. Technical memorandum, model assumptions and reasonably foreseeable future...

Report Number(s): FERC docket no. PF09-11-000 USAG-UR-SGREG-000008

First volume of Report 5
Webpage to the list of links to all PDF files for Report 5 and Appendices along with links to all volumes in this set
by Holen, Davin, Hazell, Sarah M., Koster, David S.
Published December 2012
Contents: '; ... resources in the local economy and way of life of the communities of Alatna, Allakaket, Anaktuvuk, Bettles...
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