Liberty Development and Production Plan
Draft Environmental Impact Statement 
OCS EIS/EA MMS 2001-001

This draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) covers the proposed Beaufort Sea Oil and Gas
Development/Liberty Development and Production Plan. This document includes the purpose and
background of the proposed action, alternatives, description of the affected environment, and the predicted environmental effects of the proposed action and the alternatives. 

The draft EIS consists of three volumes and an Executive Summary.  It is available in both printed and electronic PDF versions. 

For more information on this report contact:
Mr. Fred King or Mr. Richard Roberts at 1-800-764-2627 or via email,

Front Cover of the DEIS

A PDF version of the draft EIS can be viewed from this web page.  Take a few moments to read our Navigation Tips before you begin.  It will save you some time and make the experience more enjoyable.