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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2006-1081

Geologic characteristics of benthic habitats in Glacier Bay, southeast Alaska


Each GIS data file is listed with a brief description, links to figures, metadata files, and downloadable files. The data were compiled in ArcInfo (version 9.1 ESRI, 2005). Raster data layers are registered TIFF images are in the UTM Zone 8 coordinate system with datum NAD83. Point, line and polygon features are in shapefile format, and are projected in UTM Zone 8 coordinates with horizontal datum NAD83. We recommend you create a single new folder within which to unzip the files you want to use.

The downloadable files have been compressed with the UNIX "tar" and '"zip" commands and can be unzipped by "g unzip" on UNIX systems or with Winzip on Windows systems. The numbers following ".tgz" are the file size when compressed and uncompressed. The .tgz file for a TIFF image includes the image (.tif), the world registration file (.tfw), and the metadata file (.txt). The .tgz for a shape file includes a .aux, .dbf , .shp, .shx, .sbx, and .sbn file, and the metadata .txt file as well as an .html metadata version of the .txt file.

Some virus-detection software will misinterpret the compressed format as virus-bearing. Use the override option (for example, "Stop" in McAfee VirusScan) to complete the file transfer.

ArcGIS Project File

Save this ArcGIS Project file glacierbay.tgz (compressed, 71K; uncompressed, 451 K) to the directory you created for this GIS to view with ArcGIS.

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Bathy Contours at 75m, 200m, and 400m


text FAQ

bathy_contours_75m_200m_400m.tgz 393K (1.3M)

Glacier Bay Coast Line


text FAQ

glacierbay_coastline.tgz 223K (630K)

Glacier Bay Place Names


text FAQ

place_names.tgz 5K (17K)
Video habitat observations
Assorted visual observations of benthic habitat from video of the central bay video_obs_centralbay.html text FAQ

video_obs_centralbay.tgz 105K (238K)

Assorted visual observations of benthic habitat from video of the Whidbey area. video_obs_willoughby.html

text FAQ

video_obs_willoughby.tgz 484K (21M)

Multibeam Bathymetry
The multibeam bathymetry data in XYZ ASCII and ArcInfo formats.

Multibeam Bathymetry Glacier Bay, Alaska


Delimited XYZ format 92M (442M)
ArcInfo GRID format 50M (198M)
Hill shaded image of the multibeam bathymetry data


text FAQ

multibeam_hs.tgz 6M (42M)
The acoustic backscatter data


text FAQ

backscatter.tgz 13M (48M)
Slope image of the multibeam bathymetry data


text FAQ

slope.tgz 13M (48M)
Benthic habitat polygon shape file
Glacier Bay Habitat Polygon Shapefile


text FAQ

gbhab.tgz 5M (18M)

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