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Ketchikan Mining District Study Bibliography

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318. LaBau, W. V. The Sea Level Group of Gold Mining Claims at the Head of Thorne Arm, Revillagigedo Island, Alaska. AK Territorial Dep. Mines Misc. Rep. MR-120-6, 1950, 13 pp., 1 map.

319. LAC Minerals (USA) Incorporated. Niblack Project Prospectus, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. LAC Miner. (USA) Inc., co. rep., 1989, 16 pp., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

320. Lanphere, M. A., and G. D. Eberlein. Potassium-Argon Ages of Magnetite-Bearing Ultramafic Complexes in Southeastern Alaska. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper 87, 1966, pp. 94.

321. Lanphere, M. A., E. M. MacKevett, and T. W. Stern. Potassium-Argon and Lead-Alpha Ages of Plutonic Rocks, Bokan Mountain Area, Alaska. Sci., v. 145, No. 3633, August 1964, pp. 705-707.

322. Leavens, P. B. Mineralogy of the Skarns in the Copper Mountain Mining District, Alaska. Smithsonian Inst. Publ. (Grant 637), 1967, pp. 287-291.

323. Leavens, P. B., and R. W. Thomssen. Famous Mineral Localities: Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Miner. Record, v. 8, No. 1, Jan-Feb 1977, pp. 4-12.

324. Lee, A. C. Report on Bornite Copper Corporation Limited, Gravina Island Option, Southeastern Alaska and LaReine and Desmeloizes Townships Property, Northwestern Quebec. AK Territorial Dep. Mines Misc. Rep. MR-120-4, 1956, 19 pp., 2 maps.

325. Lefond, S. J. (ed.). Industrial Minerals and Rocks, (Nonmetallics other than Fuel) Fifth Edition. Soc. Mining Eng. of the AIME, New York, NY, v. 1, 1983, pp. 60-110.

326. Linden, M. Common Variety Mineral Resource Inventory for the Craig Ranger District, Tongass National Forest. Unpublished rep. for Tongass Natl. Forest, Sept. 1985, 13 pp.

327. Loney, R. A., and G. R. Himmelberg. Petrogenesis of the Pd-Rich Intrusion at Salt Chuck, Prince of Wales Island: An Early Paleozoic Alaskan-Type Ultramafic Body. Can. Mineral., v. 30, Part 4, 1992, pp. 1005-1012.

328. Loney, R. A., G. R. Himmelberg, and N. Shew. Salt Chuck Palladium-Bearing Ultramafic Body, Prince of Wales Island. U.S. Geol. Surv. Circ. 998, 1987, pp. 126-127.

329. Lull, J. S. and G. Plafker. Geochemistry and Petrography of Lamprophyre Dike Rocks in the Coast Mountains, Southeastern Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Circ. 1016, 1988, pp. 169-173.


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330. Maas, K. M. Bureau of Mines Mineral Investigations in the Ketchikan Mining District, Alaska 1990-91. Abstr. Prof. Papers, Conf. Juneau, AK Miners Assoc., April 1991, pp. 49-50.

331. Maas, K. M., J. C. Still, A. H. Clough and L. K. Oliver. Mineral Investigations in the Ketchikan Mining District, Alaska, 1990: Southern Prince of Wales Island and Vicinity. BuMines OFR 33-91, 1991, 138 pp., 12 plates.

332. Maas, K. M., J. C. Still, and P. E. Bittenbender. Bureau of Mines Mineral Investigations in the Ketchikan Mining District, Alaska 1990-92. Abstr. Prof. Papers, Conf. Juneau, AK Miners Assoc., April 1993, pp. 9, 10.

333. Maas, K. M., J. C. Still and P. E. Bittenbender. Mineral Investigations in the Ketchikan Mining District, Alaska, 1991: Prince of Wales Island and Vicinity. BuMines OFR 81-92, 1992, 69 pp., 1 plate.

334. MacKevett, E. M., Jr. Soda-Rich Granite, Bokan Mountain, Southeastern Alaska. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 12, 1957, p. 258.

335. MacKevett, E. M., Jr. Sodium-Rich Granite from the Southern Part of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska (abstr.). Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. with Programs, v. 68, No. 12, part 2, 1957, pp. 1834-1835.

336. MacKevett, E. M., Jr. Geology of the Ross-Adams Uranium-Thorium Deposit, Alaska. Min. Eng. (NY), v. 11, No. 9, 1959, pp. 915-919.

337. MacKevett, E. M., Jr. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Bokan Mountain Uranium-Thorium Area, Southeastern Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 1154, 1964, 125 pp.

338. MacNeill, R. J. Report on the Jumbo Basin Iron and Copper Properties of Marmac Alaska Mines, Limited, Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska. Rep. for Atilla Resour. Ltd, Sept. 1972, 15 pp.

339. Maloney, W. Annual Report of the Territorial Mine Inspector to the Governor of Alaska for 1915. 1916, pp. 7, 8, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

340. Maloney, W. Annual Report of the Territorial Mine Inspector to the Governor of Alaska for 1917. 1918, p. 8, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

341. Martin, G. C. The Alaskan Mining Industry in 1917. Ch. in Mineral Resources of Alaska, Report on Progress of Investigations in 1917. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 692, 1919, pp. 17, 18, 23, 27, 28.

342. Martin, G. C. The Alaskan Mining Industry in 1918. Ch. in Mineral Resources of Alaska, Report on Progress of Investigations in 1918. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 712, 1920, pp. 19, 23, 24, 27, 28.

343. Matzko, J. J., and V. L. Freeman. Summary of Reconnaissance for Uranium in Alaska, 1955. Ch. in Contributions to Economic Geology of Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 1155, 1963, pp. 44-49.

344. McClelland, W.C., G. E. Gehrels, S. D. Samson, and P. J. Patchett. Protolith Relations of the Gravina Belt and Yukon-Tanana Terrane in Central Southeastern Alaska. J. Geol., v. 100, No. 1, 1992, pp. 107-123.

345. McDanal, S. R., B. F. Arbogast, and J. B. Cathrall. Analytical Results and Sample Locality Map of Stream-Sediment, Heavy-Mineral-Concentrate, Pebble, and Rock Samples from the Craig Study Area; Craig, Dixon Entrance, Ketchikan, and Prince Rupert Quadrangles, Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep. 91-36A, 1991, 122 pp., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.

346. McMichael, R. 1989 Progress Report, Jumbo Mountain Project, Southern Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Cominco Alaska rep. to Jumbo Basin Corp., 1990, 8 pp., maps, geochem. tables, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

347. Mertie, J. B., Jr. Lode Mining in the Juneau and Ketchikan Districts. Ch. in Mineral Resources of Alaska, Report on Progress of Investigations in 1919. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 714, 1921, pp. 105-128.

348. Mertie, J. B., Jr. Notes on the Salmon-Unuk River Region. Ch. in Mineral Resources of Alaska, Report on Progress of Investigations in 1919. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 714, 1921, pp. 129-142.

349. Mertie, J. B., Jr. Economic Geology of the Platinum Metals. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 630, 1969, pp. 76, 77.

350. Mihelich, M. Electromagnetic Survey J & J Claims, Ketchikan Quadrangle. AK Territorial Dep. Mines Prop. Exam. PE-120-15, 1960, 6 pp., 2 maps.

351. Mitchell, J. R. A Proposal for Exploration at the Dawson Gold Mine, Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska. 1982, 23 pp., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

352. Mitchell, J. R. Phase 2 Exploration Report for the Dawson Gold Mine, Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska. Unpublished rep. prepared for Discovery Gold Explorations, Ltd., 1986, 37 pp, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

353. Moffit, F. H. Mineral Industry of Alaska in 1925. Ch. in Mineral Resources of Alaska, Report on Progress of Investigations in 1925. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 792, 1927, pp. 10, 27-33, 38.

354. Monger, J. W. H., and H. C. Berg, Lithotectonic Terrane Map of Western Canada and Southeastern Alaska, in Lithotectonic Terrane Maps of the North American Cordillera, ed. by N. J. Silberling, and D. L. Jones. U.S. Geol. Surv. Misc. Field Stud. Map MF 1874-B, 1987, scale 1:250,000, 12 pp., 1 sheet.

355. Montgomery, A. The Epidote Localities of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Rocks and Miner., v. 12, No. 7, 1937, pp. 195-209.

356. Mt. Andrew Mining Company. Drill Logs and Drill Maps from the Mt. Andrew Property, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Unpublished rep., 1960, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

357. Muir, N. M. Riverside Mine, Hyder District, Alaska--Tungsten. BuMines War Miner. Rep. 420, 1945, 18 pp.

358. Muir, N. M., and A. E. Erickson. Mountain View Mine, Hyder, Alaska. BuMines Draft War Miner. Rep., June, 1945, 26 pp, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

359. Munoz, J. North Pole Hill Prospect, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Unpublished rep. for Coast Range Exploration Co., 1955, 6 pp., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

360. Murray, C. G. Zoned Ultramafic Complexes of the Alaskan Type: Feeder Pipes of Andesitic Volcanoes. Geol. Soc. Am. Memoir 132, 1972, pp. 313-335.

361. Mutschler, F. E., T. C. Mooney, and D. C. Johnson. Precious Metal Deposits Related to Alkaline Igneous Rocks - A Space-Time Trip Through the Cordillera. Min. Eng. (Littleton, CO), v. 43, No. 3, March 1991, pp. 304-309.

362. Myers, G. L. Geology and Geochemistry of the Iron-Copper Gold Skarns of Kasaan Peninsula, Alaska. M. S. Thesis, Univ. AK-Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, 1985, 165 pp.

363. Myers, G. L. Gold Distribution in the Fe-Cu-Au Skarns of Kasaan Peninsula, Southeast Alaska (abstr.). Geol. Soc. Am., Abstr. with Programs, v. 17, No. 6, 1985, p. 397.


364. Napolean Exploration Limited. LM, DAT and LI Prospects, Prince of Wales Project, Southeast Alaska. Unpublished rep., 1991, 6 pp., maps, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

365. Nelson, G. E. Report on the Property of the Alaska Ketchikan Gold Mining Company: Thorn Arm on Revillagigedo Island, Southeastern Alaska. Unpublished rep., 1931, 5 pp., 1 map, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

366. Nevin, A. E., and J. F. Reader. Orbex Resources Ltd. Report of Examination, Salt Chuck Mine, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Unpublished rep., 1979, 25 pp., available from BuMines, Juneau Alaska.

367. Newkirk, S. R., W. C. Block, and P. W. Anderson. Recent Developments at the Trocadero Bay (Big Harbor) Prospect: A Descon-Hosted VMS System, Southern Prince of Wales Island. Abstr. Prof. Papers, Conf. Juneau, AK Miners Assoc., April 1993, p. 35.

368. Noel, G. A. Report on the 1962 Fieldwork on the Bayview, Jem Fraction, and Peacock Fraction Claims. AK Territorial Dep. Mines Misc. Rep. MR-119-5, 1963, 8 pp.

369. Noel, G. A. The Productive Mineral Deposits of Southeastern Alaska. Ch. in Alaska Division of Mines and Geology Annual Report for the Year 1966. AK Div. Mines and Geol., 1967, pp. 51-68.

370. Nokleberg, W. J., T. K. Bundtzen, H. C. Berg, D. A. Brew, D. J. Grybeck, M. S. Robinson, T. E. Smith, and W. Yeend. Metallogeny and Major Mineral Deposits of Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep. 88-73, 1988, pp. 41-51, 78, 79, 84, 85, 2 plates, scale 1:2,500,000.

371. Nokleberg, W. J., T. K. Bundtzen, H. C. Berg, D. A. Brew, D. J. Grybeck, M. S. Robinson, T. E. Smith, and W. Yeend. Significant Metalliferous Lode Deposits and Placer Districts of Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 1786, 1987, pp. 61-63, 67-70.

372. Nordine, G. 1971-1972 Diamond Drilling at Mt. Andrew, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Unpublished rep. to Kaiser Resour., 1972, 57 pp., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.


373. Olfert, E. G. Hyder Gold Incorporated. 1990 Year End Summary Report on the Alaskan Properties, Hyder, Alaska. Keewatin Eng. Inc., Vancouver, Feb. 27, 1991, 26 pp.

374. Oliver, D. H., and J. B. Adams. Dolomi Gold Project Progress Report. Houston Oil and Miner. Exploration Co., Nov., 1984, 41 pp, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

375. Oliver, W. A., Jr., C. W. Merriam, and M. Churkin, Jr. Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian Corals of Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 823-B, 1975, pp. B13-B57.

376. Ovenshine, A. T. Tidal Origin of Part of the Karheen Formation (Lower Devonian), Southeastern Alaska, in Tidal Deposits: A Case Book of Recent Examples of Fossil Counterparts, ed. by R. N. Ginsberg. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975, pp. 141-148.

377. Ovenshine, A. T., and G. D. Webster. Age and Stratigraphy of the Heceta Limestone in Northern Sea Otter Sound, Southeastern Alaska. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 700-C, 1970, pp. C170-C174.

378. Overstreet, W. C. The Geologic Occurrence of Monazite. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 530, 1967, p. 108.


379. Payne, C. W. Compilation Report on the Salt Chuck Deposit. Orbex Miner. Ltd, 1985, 17 pp., unpublished rep., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

380. Peek, B. C. Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Niblack Anchorage Area, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. M. S. Thesis, Univ. AK-Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, 1975, 50 pp., 1 sheet.

381. Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, Incorporated. Transportation Alternatives for the Kensington Mine. 1989, 46 pp.

382. Peterson, R. T., and D. L. Stevens. 1981 Exploration Program Salt Chuck Property, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Unpublished rep., 1981, 44 pp., plates, available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

383. Pilcher, S. H. Helm Bay Option, 1980 Project Report. Duval Corp. unpublished rep., 1980, 13 pp., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.

384. Pillmore, C. L., and K. McQueen. Map of Hollis Area, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, Showing Linear Features as Seen on Aerial Photographs, Part 1. U.S. Geol. Surv. Misc. Geol. Invest. Map I-231, 1956, scale 1:12,000.

385. Pillmore, C. L., and K. McQueen. Map of Hollis Area, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, Showing Linear Features as Seen on Aerial Photographs, Part 2. U.S. Geol. Surv. Misc. Geol. Invest. Map I-232, 1956, scale 1:12,000.

386. Pillmore, C. L., and K. McQueen. Map of Salt Chuck Area, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, Showing Linear Features as Seen on Aerial Photographs. U.S. Geol. Surv. Misc. Geol. Invest. Map I-230, 1956, scale 1:12,000.

387. Pitman, N. C. Record of Vermont Marble Company's Interest in Alaska, Up To and Including 1915. 1916, 67 pp., manuscript available from Ketchikan Public Library.

388. Pittman, T. L. Summary of Examination Report, Goose Claims, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. BuMines Summary Rep. Prop. Exam., 1960, 10 pp., maps, unpublished rep., available from BuMines, Juneau, AK.


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