Published September 1982
Contents: '; ...Floods of particular frequency or return period are required for design of structures along...

Report Number(s): H-12

PDF contains the set of three pieces (letter and two attachments). This report appears as the third document in this PDF file. Three of the original enclosures (all related reports) are missing
Published October 1981
Contents: '; ...This report presents a methodology for the estimation of a Pipeline Design Flood for streams...
Link to full text
by Kuhn, Edwin
Published September 29, 1982
Contents: '; ... Transportation Company. The four technical reports that originally accompanied this letter are: "Flood frequency...

Report Number(s): GOA-82-1119

PDF contains the set of three pieces (letter and two attachments). The letter to William Black appears as the first document in this PDF file, and the attachments follow. Three of the original enclosures are missing