Published July 1, 1977
Contents: '; ... to the contiguous U.S. states. An overland route through Canada was recommended....
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Published July 1, 1977
Contents: '; ... to the western states, also called "Arctic Gas Pipeline Project" and sponsored by Alaskan Arctic Gas Pipeline...
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by Torgerson, John, Coughlin, Patrick
Published May 16, 2002
Contents: '; ... and a status of the provisions in the United States comprehensive energy bill that pertain to an Alaska...

Report Number(s): 22-LS1577\LAA HJR 44 HJR044G

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by Staggers, Harley Orrin
Published October 26, 1977
Contents: '; ... of the President's decision -- 4. Committee consideration -- 5. Committee analysis of the President's decision -- 6...

Report Number(s): H.J. Res. 621

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by Jensen, James T.
Published January 24, 1989
Contents: '; ...Alaskan Northwest Natural Gas Transportation Company asked James T. Jensen, President of Jensen...

Report Number(s): ERA Docket no. 87-68-LNG

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