Published 1979
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by Torgerson, John, Coughlin, Patrick
Published May 16, 2002
Contents: '; ...1. Model report -- Model report CD [compact disc not included here] -- 2. Background and status...

Report Number(s): 22-LS1577\LAA HJR 44 HJR044G

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Published April 2011
Contents: '; ...This report presents location information, facility descriptions, resource impact data...

Report Number(s): USAG-UR-SGREG-000003

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Published October 1, 2014
Contents: '; ...This draft report consists only of a title page and table of contents. Report 10 will include...

Report Number(s): Docket no. PF14-21-000 USAKE-PT-SRREG-00-0010

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Published May 7, 1982

Report Number(s): Docket No. CP80-435 Docket No. CP78-123, et al.

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by Staggers, Harley Orrin
Published September 22, 1976
Contents: '; ...Report [with Congressional findings and text of bill] -- Purpose and brief summary -- Background: 1...
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by Staggers, Harley Orrin
Published October 26, 1977
Contents: '; .... Changes in existing law -- 8 [i.e. 7]. Agency reports -- 8. Budgetary outlays -- 9. Cost estimate -- 10...

Report Number(s): H.J. Res. 621

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by Stevenson, Adlai Ewing, III
Published 1976
Contents: '; ... reports -- 3. Presidential decision -- 4. Congressional approval of the President's decision by joint...
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by Chomski, Joseph M., Haggart, Richard G.
Published February 15, 1979
Contents: '; ...A report on Alaska's financial participation in the proposed Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline and El...
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