Published Octeber 1978
Subjects: '; ...Environmental impacts...

Report Number(s): FERC/EIS-0002F CP75-140 CP75-83-2

Volume 1 of 3
Webpage for full report
Published March 1995
Subjects: '; ...Environmental impacts...

Report Number(s): Docket no. CP88-105-000 FERC/EIS-0071

Link to full text
Published September 1976
Subjects: '; ...Environmental impacts...

Report Number(s): Docket no. CP 75-96, et al. Docket no. CP 75-83-1

First volume in set
Webpage for full report
by Persily, Larry
Published Began with May 26, 2015 issue.
Subjects: '; ...Environmental impact statements--Discussion about/Criticism of...
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List of all updates in this series (The Pipe Files website)
List of all updates in this series (Kenai Peninsula Borough website)
by Persily, Larry
Published December 28, 2016
Contents: '; ... performed by ERM, the project's consulting firm that assists with preparing the environmental impact...
Direct link to this update
Website listing all Project updates