by Ford, Gerald R.
Published October 22, 1976
Contents: '; ...This announcement tells of the signing of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act (S. 3521...
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by Persily, Larry
Published June 12, 2018
Contents: '; ... sensitive fishery resources for additional sediment transport modeling work by the Alaska Gasline...
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by Persily, Larry
Published July 23, 2018
Subjects: '; ...Sediment transport modeling...
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by Persily, Larry
Published March 28, 2018
Contents: '; ... plans, sediment transport modeling, ichthyoplankton, beluga whales, visual impacts, and air quality....
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by Reagan, Ronald
Published January 13, 1988
Contents: '; ... to the U.S. Energy market. This is a requirement of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976...
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by Wadlington, Cuba, Jr.
Published June 06, [1988]
Contents: '; ...Estimated costs of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System have been revised down due...
PDF contains the cover letter and two attachments. This press release appears as the second of the three items in this PDF file
Published January 13, 1988
Contents: '; ...-1000. As the Canadian sponsor of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, the company expresses...
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by Persily, Larry
Published August 31, 2017
Contents: '; ... of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST) enacted in December 2015; thus, it is referred...
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by Persily, Larry
Published May 7, 2019
Contents: '; ...-laying operations. Additional answers covered fire-supression, microtunneling, air transport, and salmon...
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