Published November 12, 1982
...Erosion and sedimentation control design manual Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company...
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Published October 1980
...Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Project South B.C. segment, air test procedure manual for Foothills...
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Published July 1980
Contents: '; ...This manual has been prepared to establish procedure for hydrostatically testing for the prebuild...
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Published 8 February 1984
...Pipeline design criteria manual. 13.0, Design modes (Revison 3)...
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Published September 12, 2000
Contents: '; ...This manual is a guide to sponsors of natural gas pipeline projects who file environmental...
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by Rhett, John T., Jr.
Published February 15, 1984
Contents: '; ... of the DCM manual, and conditional approval is given until three DCM appendices are completed and reflected...

Report Number(s): D-0025072 GOA-84-1015

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by Kuhn, Edwin
Published February 13, 1984
Contents: '; ...The letter describes Revision 3 of Section 13 of the DCM manual, which reflect coordination...

Report Number(s): GOA-84-1015

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