Title Results
United States of America before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission : docket no. CP80- : application of Alaskan Northwest Natural Gas Transportation Company for a final certificate of public convenience and necessity pursuant to Section 7 (c) of the Natural Gas Act, as amended, and Section 9 of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 to construct and operate the Alaska segment of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 1
United States of America before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Notice of Amendment to Partnership Agreement 1
United States of America before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission : Regulations governing the conduct of open season for Alaska natural gas transportation projects : docket no. RM05-1-000 : Comments of the State of Alaska proposed rulemaking 1
United States of America before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Yukon Pacific Corporation : docket no. GP87-16-000 : motion to intervene and protest, and answer of Alaskan Northwest Natural Gas Transportation Company 1
United States of America, Department of Energy before the Economic Regulatory Administration, Application of Yukon Pacific Corporation for authorization to export liquefied natural gas from the United States 1
United States of America Federal Energy Regulatory Commission : before commissioners : Charles B. Curtis, Chairman; Georgiana Sheldon, Matthew Holden, Jr.,and George R. Hall : findings and order issuing certificates of public convenience and necessity and authorizing the importation of natural gas 1
United States of America the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission : 18 CFR Part 157, docket no. RM05-1-000, order no. 2005 : Regulations governing the conduct of open season for Alaska natural gas transportation projects 1
United States of America the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission : 18 CFR Part 157, docket no. RM05-1-001, order no. 2005-A : Regulations governing the conduct of open season for Alaska natural gas transportation projects : Order on rehearing and clarification 1
Upstream movement of juvenile coho salmon in relation to environmental conditions in a culvert test bed 1
Use in Alaska of North Slope natural gas : a survey of prospects and their likely impacts on an Alaska gas pipeline 2
Valdez and environmental law group both ask more time to response to Draft EIS 1
Validation of two fish habitat survey techniques: The area and transect methods 1
Vegetation types and environmental factors associated with Foothills Gas Pipeline route, Yukon Territory : (maps and legend) 1
Washington General Counsel file, legal memoranda 1
Water availability along the proposed arctic gas pipeline route from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories 1
Water availability along the proposed Arctic gas pipeline route from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to the Mackenzie Delta, Yukon Territory 1
Waterbirds and wetlands, Chisana-Upper Tanana Rivers, Alaska, 1979 : with emphasis on the Scottie-Desper creek wetlands : final report 1
Weak market could delay Alaska LNG Project 1
Welding specifications 1
Western LNG Project, final environmental impact statement 1