Title Results
Safety containers for transporting bear repellent spray canisters in vehicles 1
Schematic drawings of Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System (ANGTS) showing reroutes and problem areas 1
Scope of work : comprehensive subsistence baseline update for eastern-Interior and North Slope of Alaska 1
Scour and bank migration 1
Searching for a market : the 40-year effort to develop an Alaska natural gas pipeline 1
Second report to Congress on progress made in licensing and constructing the Alaska natural gas pipeline 1
Section 802. Alaska natural gas pipeline administration 1
Section no. 13, Pipeline design criteria manual [cover letter] 1
Seismic risk and the Denali fault part II, response analysis and simulated earthquake motion 1
Semi-annual report to the Alaska Legislature, Alaska Gasline Project, Alaska Gasline Inducement Act 1
Settlement agreement : Point Thomson 1
Seventh report to Congress on progress made in licensing and constructing the Alaska natural gas pipeline 1
Shale gas and shale oil resource potential of the Alaska North Slope 1
Sharp-tailed grouse and the Alaska Highway transportation corridor [Part I, Population estimates and habitat utilization during early spring] 1
Sixth report to Congress on progress made in licensing and constructing the Alaska natural gas pipeline 1
Small Alaska agency has say on producing North Slope gas 1
Small business participation in the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline project 1
Small-scale LNG makes in-roads in Canada's far north 1
Small-scale LNG : niche business with room to grow 1
Socioeconomic community profiles : a background for planning : Delta Junction, Dot Lake, Northway, Tanacross, Tetlin, Tok 1