Title Results
Report to the Legislature : the North Slope to Valdez gas pipeline/LNG project 1
Report to the President : Comments on the recommendations of the Federal Power Commission Concerning the Transportation of Alaska Natural Gas 1
Report to the President on environmental impacts of proposed Alaska gas transportation corridors 1
Report to the President on the construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 1
Report to the state of Alaska on export license considerations for LNG export terminal 1
Request for commission approval of detailed plan for conducting an open season 1
Request of Atlantic Richfield Company and BP Alaska Inc. to present testimony to determine new pool rules and amend existing rules for the Prudhoe oil pool : Conservation Order No. 145 1
Resolution of Alyeska Pipeline Service Company comments on ANGTS pipeline Design criteria manual (DCM) 1
[Response from the Canadian Embassy to Report to the President on the construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System] 1
Response of El Paso Alaska Company to the submissions of Arctic Gas and Alcan 1
Response to environmental information requests, letter of July 23, 1976 by the Alberta Gas Trunk Line Company Limited and the Alberta Gas Trunk Line 1
Results of studies of the long-term effects of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System on fish and aquatic habitats, volume II 1
Revegetation plan : addendum to the environmental impact statement for the Yukon section of the Alaska Highway gas pipeline : submission 4-7 1
Review of past northwest Alaskan revegetation studies and recommendations for additional research : task 3 1
Right-of-way grant for the Trans-Alaska Gas System from the United States of America to the Yukon Pacific Corporation. 1
Role of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in approving pool rules for the Point Thomson field 1
Role of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in establishing allowable gas offtake rate for Prudhoe Bay 1
Role of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in North Slope gas sales 1
Routing the Alaska Pipeline Project through the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge : what responsibilities do agencies have under ANILCA? 1
Royalty gas sales agreement 1