Title Results
Prudhoe Bay project draft environmental impact statement : construction and operation of a sales gas conditioning facility at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska : Northwest Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation Company, docket no. CP-123 et al. 1
Prudhoe Bay project final environmental impact statement : construction and operation of a sales gas conditioning facility at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska : Northwest Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation Company, docket no. CP78-123 et al. 1
Prudhoe Bay Unit agreement 1
Prudhoe Bay unit capacity details 1
Prudhoe gas sales in 2020s could be timed well for aging oil field 1
Prudhoe major gas sales study 1
Prudhoe oil pool gas offtake reservoir study : public summary 1
Public submits wide-ranging comments to FERC 1
The ... quarterly report to the President and Congress on construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 1
A raptor survey of the proposed Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company gas pipeline route : the U.S.-Canada border to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 31 May to 7 June and 7 July 1979 : a final report 1
Raptorial bird nesting sites along proposed pipeline routes in Alaska 1
Raptors and raptor habitat along the Alaska portion of the Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline corridor 1
Ready, engaged and leading : Canada and the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Project 1
Reasons for decision in the matter of Foothills Pipe Line (Yukon) Ltd. application dated 15 June 1987 for approval of the institution of interruptible service 1
Reasons for decision in the matter of Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. application dated 28 May 1993 for certain orders respecting the tolls and tariffs of Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. 1
Reasons for decision in the matter of North Canadian Oils Limited application to orders requiring Foothills Pipe Lines (Yukon) Ltd. to transport gas provide facilities for the transportation of gas for North Canadian Oils Limited 1
Reasons for decision, northern pipelines 1
[Recent developments in the MacKenzie Valley and Alaska natural gas pipeline project] 1
Recommendation to the President : Alaska natural gas transportation systems 1
Recommended carnivore control program for the Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Project including a review of human-carnivore encounter problems and animal deterrent methodology : final report 1