Title Results
Presidential finding concerning Alaska natural gas 1
Presidential finding of January 12, 1988 : presidential finding concerning Alaska natural gas 1
Preventative frost heave design evaluation revision no. 1 for the Alaska segment of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 1
Project description and update for addenda submissions : addendum to the environmental impact statement for the Yukon section of the Alaska Highway gas pipeline : submission 2-1 1
Project Description for the Alaska Gas Spur Line (Glennallen to Beluga) 1
Project transition report 1
Propane from the North Slope : could it reduce energy costs in the Interior? 1
Propane market intelligence Midwest U.S. 1
Proposal for a State of Alaska natural gas and gas liquids authority which will own, design, construct and operate the Alaska North Slope natural gas conditioning facility and natural gas liquids distribution system 1
Proposal for archeological salvage, pipeline corridors, Alaska 1
Proposed Alaska natural gas pipelines : potential impacts on the steel industry 1
Proposed gasline routes 1
Proposed Northwest gas pipeline Salcha River alternate route study 1
Proposed pipeline corridor/land exchange Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge 1
Proposed project-related fish and wildlife investigations for the Northwest Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline 1
A proposed system of utililty piping installation in snow, ice, and permafrost 1
Protection strategies for peregrine falcons and other raptors along the planned Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline route 1
Prudhoe Bay Miscible Gas Project, application for additional recovery by miscible enriched hydrocarbon gas injection 1
Prudhoe Bay Miscible Gas Project, application for approval as a qualified tertiary recovery project for purposes of the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980 1
Prudhoe Bay natural gas liquids, the Alaska highway gas pipeline, and petrochemical development in Alaska 1