Published [1984]
... Project on instream temperature and fishery resources in the Watana to Talkeetna reach : report...

Report Number(s): APA 2330 APA 2331 SUS 408 SUS 432 SUS 433

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by Trihey, E. Woody,
Published [1981]
Contents: '; ...Introduction -- 1981 study plan -- Flow regime component -- Fishery resources component -- Water...

Report Number(s): APA 476 APA 951 APA 3161 SUS 7

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Published 1981.
Contents: '; ...Introduction -- Objectives -- Study description and rationale: Fisheries habitat evaluation...

Report Number(s): SUS 84

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Published 1983?]
Contents: '; ... -- attachment 3. Weather wizard data -- attachment 4. Daily Indian River temperatures versus Devil Canyon air...

Report Number(s): APA 2627

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