Published [1984]
... Project on instream temperature and fishery resources in the Watana to Talkeetna reach : report...

Report Number(s): APA 2330 APA 2331 SUS 408 SUS 432 SUS 433

Direct link to the first volume (Main text).
List of all volumes.
Published [1982]
Contents: '; ...Introduction -- Fisheries and habitat relationships -- Habitat relationships -- Predictive models...

Report Number(s): APA 517 RTS 12 SUS 27

Link to full text
Published 1981.
Contents: '; ...Physiochemical data tables for each general habitat evaluation study site --...

Report Number(s): APA 310 APA 311 APA 312 APA 1307 APA 1308 APA 1309 RTS 11 RTS 11a RTS 11b RTS 11c SUS 12

Direct link to the first volume (the main report).
List of volumes.