Published [1985]
Contents: '; ...Significance of potential changes in pH on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations...

Report Number(s): SUS 468 SUS 469 SUS 470 SUS 471 SUS 472 SUS 473 SUS 474 SUS 475 SUS 476 SUS 477 SUS 478

Direct link to the first available paper (Fisheries issue F-2.2).
List of these position papers including other related position papers.
Published [1984]
Subjects: '; ...Fishery resources Alaska Susitna River Bibliography....

Report Number(s): SUS 351

Direct link to this bibiography.
List of related Susitna Hydroelectric Project finding aids.
Published [1984]
Contents: '; ...Fishery issues -- Wildlife issues -- Recreation issues -- Aesthetic issues -- Cultural resource...

Report Number(s): SUS 480

Link to list of individual issue papers and to the position papers from Alaska Power Authority.
Direct link to this document.
Published [1985]
Contents: '; .... 8. Exhibit E, Chapter 2, Figures. (APA 3432 ; SUS 575) -- v. 9. Exhibit E, Chapter 3, Fish, wildlife...

Report Number(s): APA 3425 APA 3426 APA 3427 APA 3428 APA 3429 APA 3430 APA 3431 APA 3432 APA 3433 APA 3434 APA 3435 APA 3436 APA 3437 APA 3438 APA 3439 APA 3440 APA 3441 SUS 76 SUS 568 SUS 569 SUS 570 SUS 571 SUS 572 SUS 573 SUS 574 SUS 575 SUS 576 SUS 577 SUS 578 SUS 579 SUS 580 SUS 581 SUS 582 SUS 583 SUS 584

Direct link to the first volume (Exhibit A, Project description)
List of all volumes.