Published [1982]
Subjects: '; ...Regional planning Alaska Matanuska-Susitna Borough....

Report Number(s): APA 199

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Published [1985]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Susitna River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 2842

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Published [1980]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska, Southcentral Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1719 APA 2286 APA 2497

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Published [1984]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1767 APA 1892

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Published [1985]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 2917

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Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1677

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1681 (suppl.)

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1679

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1676

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1680

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1678

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983?]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1681

Direct link to this report.
List of all reports in Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1676 APA 1677 APA 1678 APA 1679 APA 1680 APA 1681 APA 1681 (suppl.)

Direct link to the first volume.
List of all volumes of Phase I, resource inventory.
Published [1984]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1675

Direct link to this summary.
List of related reports in the Tanana Basin area plan.
Published [1984]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 2024

Direct link to this draft plan.
List of related reports in the Tanana Basin area plan.
Published [1983]
Subjects: '; ...Land use Alaska Tanana River Watershed Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1673 APA 1674

List of all volumes of Phase II, development of alternatives.
Direct link to the first volume.