Published [1981]
...Alaska Power Authority, Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Subtask 6.05, Development selection report...

Report Number(s): APA 1281

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Published [1981]
...Subtask 6.05. Development selection report...

Report Number(s): APA 1282

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Published [1981]
...Subtask 6.05, Development selection report...

Report Number(s): APA 220 APA 356 APA 1435 SUS 43 (v. 1)

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Published [1981]
...Subtask 6.05. Development selection report...

Report Number(s): APA 1283 SUS 85

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Published [1981]
...Subtask 6.05. Development selection report. Appendices A through J...

Report Number(s): APA 221 APA 1436 SUS 43 (v. 2)

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Link to all volumes.