Published 1982]
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Estimates Alaska Susitna River Design and construction....

Report Number(s): APA 263

Link to full text
Published 1982]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Design and construction Estimates Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 259

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Published 1983]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Design and construction Estimates Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 108

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Published 1983]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Alaska Susitna River Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 2499

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Published [1984]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Design and construction Estimates Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 2493 APA 2494

Direct link to the first section.
List of all sections.
Published 1982]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Design and construction Estimates Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 98

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by Plummer, James R.,
Published 1982 Mar. 31.
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Alaska Susitna River Design and construction Costs....

Report Number(s): APA 186

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Published [1981]
Subjects: '; ...Highway planning Alaska Susitna River Region....

Report Number(s): APA 1210 SUS 80

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Published [1985]
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Licenses Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 3424 SUS 567

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Published [1979]
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Licenses Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 4007

Direct link to the first volume (Summary).
List of all volumes.
Published [1982]
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Licenses Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 157 APA 158 APA 159 APA 160 APA 161 SUS 76 SUS 86

Direct link to first volume (Chapters 1 and 2).
List of volumes.
Published 1982]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Design and construction Estimates Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 258

Link to full text
by Wright, Jeff C.,
Published 2013 January 17.
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Alaska Susitna River Planning....

Report Number(s): SuWa 88

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by Dyok, Wayne,
Published [2013]
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Alaska Susitna River Planning....

Report Number(s): SuWa 214

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Published [1981]
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Alaska Susitna River Planning....

Report Number(s): APA 1364

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Published [1982]
Subjects: '; ...Dams Licenses Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): APA 1370

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by Wright, Jeff C.,
Published 2012 December 31.
Subjects: '; ...Hydroelectric power plants Alaska Susitna River Planning....

Report Number(s): SuWa 86

Link to full text
Published [1985]
Subjects: '; ...Fishes Effect of dams on Alaska Susitna River....

Report Number(s): SUS 468 SUS 469 SUS 470 SUS 471 SUS 472 SUS 473 SUS 474 SUS 475 SUS 476 SUS 477 SUS 478

Direct link to the first available paper (Fisheries issue F-2.2).
List of these position papers including other related position papers.