FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Beaufort Sea Oil and Gas Development/Northstar Project LIST OF DIRECTORIES ON CD VOLUME1 EXECSUMM.WPD + 22 TABLES VOLUME2 CHAPTER1.WPD + 3 TABLES CHAPTER2.WPD + 2 TABLES CHAPTER3.WPD + 4 TABLES CHAPTER4.WPD + 29 TABLES VOLUME3 CHAPTER5.WPD + 26 TABLES CHAPTER6.WPD + 17 TABLES CHAPTER7.WPD + 16 TABLES VOLUME4 CHAPTER8.WPD + 11 TABLES CHAPTER9.WPD + 1 TABLE CHAPT-10.WPD + 7 TABLES CHAPT-11.WPD + 1 TABLE CHAPT-12.WPD + 0 TABLES CHAPT.-13.WPD + 1 TABLE APPENDICES APPEND-A.WPD APPEND-K.WPD APPEND-L.WPD APPENDIX.B-K APPENDIX.L-P PERMIT2.DOC RTC-ADD.WPD The files within this CD are in Word v. 7.0 and WordPerfect v. 6.1. These are designated by .DOC or .WPD, respectively. The majority of the tables are in Word, while all the chapters and all appendices except a portion of Appendix O are in WordPerfect. The introduction pages of each volume are included at the beginning of the first chapter in that volume. The Glossary and Index are included at the end of the Chapt-13.wpd electronic file. Although the hard copies of tables are interspersed within each chapter, they are presented as separate electronic files on this CD. Electronic files for figures are not included. The introduction pages are also included at the beginning of each appendix. You will note a brief paragraph under Appendices K, L, and O, stating that the balance of each of these appendices is found in another electronic file. We hope that this fulfills your needs. It has been a long, but interesting, project which has broadened the knowledge of every person who was involved in this endeavor. Thank you for the opportunity to compile this ground-breaking EIS. We look forward to working with you again in the future.