Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

ADF&G Stream Files


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Prince William Sound (ASC)

Folder TitleDescription
KCI Beach Data InventoryNautical chart of western Prince William Sound
Chain of Custody MFO ADF&G sample chain of custody log
Chain of Custody Chemistry Samples 1 ADEC Request for Laboratory Services logs
Chain of Custody Chemistry Samples 2 ADEC Request for Laboratory Services logs

Stream NumberSegmentFolder Title / Location
ASC 232UNCAT01PP001Petrof Point
ASC 226-40-16446BA-001North of Bathtub Cove
ASC 226-40-16451BA-002-ABathtub Cove
Bainbridge IslandBP-001Bainbridge Island - uncataloged
Bainbridge PassageBP-002-S-A4Bainbridge Passage (mainland) - uncataloged
ASC 226-20-16388BP-004-1Point Countess
ASC 226-20-16392BP-004-3Point Countess
ASC 226-20-16397BP-004-4Point Countess
ASC 226-20-16395BP-004-2Point Countess
ASC 226-20-16280CH-001West coast of Chenega Island
ASC 226-40-16182CH-009-BNorth tip of Chenega Island
ASC 226-20-16258CH016-ANear Chenega Village (old)
ASC 226-20-16255CH-014ANear Chenega Village (old)
ASC 224-20-12995CU-001Culross Island, southern tip of Culross Island
ASC 224-20-13010CU-007Southeast Coastline of Culross Island
ASC 224-20-13030CU-013Southeast side Culross Island
ASC 224-20-13034CU-014ASouth of entrance of Hidden Bay
ASC 224-20-13036CU-014ASouth of entrance of Hidden Bay
ASC 226-10-16906EL-015AUpper Passage Eleanor Island
ASC 226-10-16902EL-052BNorthwest Bay Eleanor Island
ASC 226-20-15060EB-004Loomis Creek (Eshmay Bay)
ASC 226-50-16436ER-004Elrington Island, Elrington Passage
ASC 226-50-16428ER-007AElrington Island
ASC226-50-16406ER-019ASouth Twin Bay, southwest Elrington Island
Northeastern Tip ER-020Elrington Island, northeastern tip
ASC 226-40-16590EV-003AEvans Island, Evans Point
ASC 226-40-16580EV-005Evans Island, northeast tip peninsula
ASC 226-30-16840KN 701BA chronology of oil spill related activities: ASC 226-30-16840
ASC 226-10-16996KN 500BA chronology of oil spill related activities: ASC 226-10-16996
ASC 226-40-16780LA 18A chronology of oil spill related activities: ASC 226-40-16780
ASC 226-40-16582EV-005Evans Island, NE Coast
ASC 226-40-16559EV-007Iktua Bay, Evans Island
UncatalogedEV-012AEvans Point
ASC 226-40-16640EV-014AEvans Point
ASC 226-40-16620EV-017ALittle Shelter Bay
ASC 226-40-16630EV-017ALittle Shelter Bay
ASC 226UNCAT12EV-0024ADEC Segment EV-0024A PWS
ASC 226-50-16452EV-066Evans Island
ASC 226-40-16509EV-070FGugauk Bay
ASC 226-40-16484EV-071AWest Shore, Evans Island
UncatalogedFL-01Flemming Island, west side of island
ASC 226-40-16381FL-004AWest side of Flemming Island
ASC 227UNCAT01GR-007AGreen Island, north side
ASC 227-20-17880GR-103AGibbon Bay
ASC 227-20-17890GR-013AGibbon Bay (Green Island)
ASC 226-10-16916IN-031AIngot Island (between Disk and Ingot Islands)
ASC 226-10-16922KN-103ALower Passage, site #2
ASC 226-10-16890KN-106ELouis Bay (Knight Island)
ASC 226-UNCAT08KN-129ASouth arm, Herring Bay, site #1
ASC 226-10-16975KN-129BSouth end Herring Bay- Knight Island, site #1
ASC 226-10-16982KN-132BWest side Herring Bay
ASC 226-30-16865KN-135ABay of Isles (south arm)
ASC 226-30-16870KN-201Knight Island, west arm, Bay Isles
ASC 226-30-16872KN-201AKnight Island, west arm
ASC 226-30-16870KN-007Bay of Isles
ASC 226-30-16869KN-201Bay of Isles
ASC 226-30-16860KN-205BBay of Isles
ASC 226-30-16880KN-211CNorth from the Bay of Isles, site #1
ASC 226-30-16853KN-213BRua Cove
ASC 226-30-16820KN-401BSnug Harbor, site #1
ASC 226-10-16992KN-500ANorthwest side of Knight Island
UncatalogedKN-500ASouth point mouth of Herring Bay
ASC 226-10-16996KN-500BNorthwest side of Knight Island
ASC 226-40-16855KN-601Mummy Bay
ASC 226-40-16853KN-602Mummy Bay
ASC 226-40-16851KN-602Mummy Bay
ASC 226-30-16840KN-701BMarsha Bay
226UNCAT11KN-703AKnight Island
ASC 226-30-16956KN-5004Herring Bay
ASC 226-30-16960KN-5007Herring Bay (Solf Cove)
ASC 226-40-16783LA-015Northeast coast of La Touche Island
ASC 226-40-16782LA-015CNortheast side of La Touche Island
ASC 226-40-16780LA-018ASleepy Bay
ASC 226-40-16774LA-021BSouth of Port Crawford
ASC 226-40-16776LA-021BNorthwest LaTouche Island
ASC 226-40-16772LA-023ANorth of Powder Point
ASC 226-40-16788LA-029Southeast LaTouche Island
ASC 226-40-16785LA-031BUpper East side, LaTouche Island
ASC 226-40-16764LA-036LaTouche Island
ASC 226-40-16720LA-039ADEC Segment
UncatalogedMA-009Mainland, above Falls Bay
ASC 225-40-15000MA-001Southern Point Nellie Juan (mainland north of Foul Bay)
ASC 226-40-15003MA-003Foul Bay (mainland)
ASC 226-40-15003MA-003Foul Bay
ASC 226-20-15044MA-009ASouth of main bay
ASC 227-20-17570MN-001Montague Island, Graveyard Point
ASC 227-10-17120MN-003Montague Island, off Point Bazil
ASC 226-40-17150EV-003AMontague Island, north of MN003
ASC 227-10-17200EV-003AMontague Island, north of MN003
ASC 227-10-17130MN-003Montegue Island miscellanous MN segment/stream
ASC 222-40-13950NA-026Naked Island, outside bay, southwest corner
ASC 222-40-12960NA-024Naked Island
ASC 222-40-13970PK-001Peak Island (private residence)
ASC 226-20-16321WH-003Claw Peak Point (Whale Bay)
ASC 226-20-16322WH-003BClaw Peak Point (Whale Bay)
ASC 226-20-16322WH-003BClaw Peak Point (Whale Bay)
UncatalogedPR-003Perry Island
UncatalogedPR-005Perry Island
UncatalogedPR-007Perry Island