Coastal plain oil and gas leasing program, draft environmental impact statement.

Author:   U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management.

Publication:   Anchorage, Alaska : U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office, 2018.

Physical description of original:   2 volumes (various pagings) : color illustrations, color maps ; 28 cm.

Standard technical report numbers:   DOI-BLM-AK-0000-2018-0002-EIS   ;   BLM/AK/PL-19/002+1610+F020


You can also consult the following related BLM websites:

Volume 1 Executive summary -- Chapters 1-3 -- References -- Glossary
  • Executive summary
  • Chapter 1.   Introduction
  • Chapter 2.   Alternatives
  • Chapter 3.   Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences
  • References
  • Glossary
6 MB
Volume 2Appendices
  • Appendix A.   Maps and figures
  • Appendix B.   Reasonably Foreseeable Development Scenario for Oil and Gas Resources in the Public Law 115-97 Coastal Plain, Alaska
  • Appendix C.   Collaboration and Coordination
  • Appendix D.   Laws and Regulations
  • Appendix E.   ANILCA Section 810 Preliminary Evaluation
  • Appendix F.   Approach to the Environmental Analysis
  • Appendix G.   Potential Fossil Yield Classification System
  • Appendix H.   Water Resources
  • Appendix I.   Solid and Hazardous Waste
  • Appendix J.   Vegetation and Wetlands, Birds, and Terrestrial Mammals
  • Appendix K.   Fish and Aquatic Species
  • Appendix L.   Cultural Resources
  • Appendix M.   Subsistence Uses and Resources
  • Appendix N.   Environmental Justice
  • Appendix O.   Economy
31 MB