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NADP/NTN Monitoring Location AK99
Station Ambler (AK99)
Location Northwest Arctic Burough, Alaska
Dates of Operation 5/12/2004 - 8/9/2005
Latitude 67.0931
Longitude -157.8689
Elevation 88 meters
USGS 1:24000 Map Name Ambler River, 1982
NADP/NTN Wet Deposition
Data Available

Trend Plots
Annual Data Summaries
Annual Data
  • data by calendar and water years
  • wet deposition totals
  • precipitation-weighted mean concentrations
Seasonal Data
  • wet deposition totals
  • precipitation-weighted mean concentrations
Monthly Data
  • precipitation-weighted mean concentrations
Weekly data
  • concentrations
Daily Data
  • daily precipitation data
Other NADP Data for this Site

NADP/MDN5/12/2004 - 8/9/2005

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