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NADP Critical Loads Ad Hoc Committee

In July 2006 the NADP Executive Committee Chair formed the Critical Loads Ad Hoc Committee (CLAD) with Rick Haeuber of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as Chair. The purpose of this committee is to provide a venue for discussion of current and emerging issues regarding the science and application of critical loads for atmospheric deposition in the United States. CLAD meets twice yearly at the spring and fall NADP meetings, and welcomes all NADP participants and interested parties. The goals of CLAD are to:

  1. Facilitate technical information sharing on critical loads topics within a broad multi-agency/entity audience;
  2. Fill gaps in critical loads development in the US;
  3. Provide consistency in development and use of critical loads in the US;
  4. Promote understanding of critical loads approaches through development of outreach and communications materials.


  • The Multi-agency Critical Loads Workshop web site and final report (pdf) are available.
  • The Pacific Northwest Nitrogen and Sulphur Deposition Critical Loads Workshop report (pdf) is available.

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